Welcome to the Tiger’s Eye family, we are a small grass roots family owned business that’s focused on building and strengthening the community! Every Tiger’s Eye Brand product you purchase 2% of the proceeds will go to helping veterans and shelter animals. We are partnering with the non profit nation wide organization, Pets for Vets where pets are being paired up with a veteran for their specific mental, emotional and physical needs. We put the distressed American flag on our paddles to bring awareness to our veterans. There are as many as 20% of our returning military veterans that suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) & as many as 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized every year! Also a portion of Tiger’s Eye proceeds will go toward the creator of Tiger’s Eye Brand, his kidney regeneration fund! He currently is on dialysis 3 days a week! We are passionate about building up the generations not just in our beloved sport of pickleball but in all sports and in life.

We don’t believe in coincidences, if you have found us we welcome you to the Tiger’s Eye Family. Please stay a while and have a look around!

Also when you purchase a Tiger’s Eye Shirt part of the proceeds are going to the creator of TIger’s Eye Brand find a new regenerative kidney. Currently he’s has to do kidney hemodialysis 3 times a week!